Temporary Read-Aloud Permissions
We are committed to our fabulous list of authors and illustrators as well as the readers who enjoy their books. In these challenging times, we want to help protect the hard work and creativity of our contributors whilst also supporting schools, libraries and bookshops!
If you are a school, library, or bookshop and are wanting to use our books to support your students and supporters via distance learning – please read permissions below:
A one-time, non-dramatic reading of the book, for educational and non-commercial purposes only
Please note at the beginning of your recording that you are reading with permission from Maverick Publishing, Inc. ”Title” by Author, illustrated by Illustrator
Recordings should only be posted/shared on closed platforms such as a private YouTube channel, closed Facebook group or a password-protected school platform.
The reading shall be removed from all formats, including live videos that have been archived, by March 31, 2021
Please tag @maverickbooks when promoting/discussing our books on social media
Please email details of your organisation and title of reading to [email protected], we’d love to see who is using our books out there!