Are You Ready For The 'Invent It' Competition?!

We know the last few months have been difficult to say the least, and that many children are still learning from home. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun! So, in honour of Julie Fulton’s newest picture book, Mister T.V. which follows the life of television extraordinaire, John Logie Baird. We’d like to kick off the ‘Invent It Competition.’
Let your imagination lead you...
John Logie Baird created many different gadgets throughout his lifetime, some which worked and others which didn’t. But he never gave up… now it’s your turn to create!
Your Task;
If you could create/make/invent anything, what would it be?! We want you to come up with an invention that would make your life easier. Be it a leaf catcher for those slippery leaves in Autumn, a toothpaste dispensing toothbrush or, a boat with wheels! We want to know what it is… draw it, name it and describe it!
Share your creations on Twitter by using the #InventItComp and tag both us here at Maverick, and Julie Fulton! The Winner will receive an ‘Invent It’ bundle of 4 marvellous creation-themed books; Professor MacQuark and the Oojamaflip, Agent Starling: Operation Baked Beans, Audrey Orr and the Robot Rage, and a signed copy of Julie Fulton’s, Mister T.V.!