Turquoise Book Band - Level 7
Plots are still mostly simple , without subplots, but there is more variation in speech
and a greater range of sentence structures and lengths than at previous levels.
Approximately 600-800 words per story with one story per book.
There is an quiz page at the end of each story.
“ I have to say we’ve really struggled to find books for our little girl to read independently. Even well-known ones such as Biff, Chip and Kipper don’t seem to start at the real basic level and don’t offer the repetition of words throughout the book you need to learn. Yours are simple with lovely uncomplicated graphics to help children decipher a word they may be unfamiliar with.We found them at our library but they only had a handful…she had flown through 3 from Pink, 2 from Red and just finished Sheep On The Run from Yellow.”
A Parent from Yorkshire
"I must applaud all of the authors and illustrators involved in these books for their brilliant and perfectly pitched work here…Maverick have really pulled out all the stops with their very own collection. I’m hugely impressed with the high quality of their younger readers."
ALLY AT BOOK MONSTERSSheffield Librarian
"If you are looking for a breath of fresh air to top up your existing reading scheme, we recommend you give these a try!"
Books for Topics
"Easy to use and with vibrant, fun illustration – the trademark of Maverick, this new selection of banded titles will be certain to appeal to both home and school users."
Armadillo Magazine
"Engaging little books that are well designed, saturated with colour and action packed pictures."
The Letterpress Project
"Maverick Early Readers are a stylish and appealing option for schools looking to expand their range of material for new readers."
Teach Primary
“The high quality storytelling coupled with the excellent illustrations in these books makes them really appealing – a great incentive to encourage children to persevere with their reading.”
Parents in Touch
“ I have to say we’ve really struggled to find books for our little girl to read independently. Even well-known ones such as Biff, Chip and Kipper don’t seem to start at the real basic level and don’t offer the repetition of words throughout the book you need to learn. Yours are simple with lovely uncomplicated graphics to help children decipher a word they may be unfamiliar with.We found them at our library but they only had a handful…she had flown through 3 from Pink, 2 from Red and just finished Sheep On The Run from Yellow.”
A Parent from Yorkshire
"I must applaud all of the authors and illustrators involved in these books for their brilliant and perfectly pitched work here…Maverick have really pulled out all the stops with their very own collection. I’m hugely impressed with the high quality of their younger readers."
ALLY AT BOOK MONSTERSSheffield Librarian