Green Band / Level 5

AuthorJenny Jinks
IllustratorPatricia Pessoa
Format15x21cm, 32pg, SB
Publication Date01/09/2020
AR Rating
ISBN 978-1-84886-683-6       RRP £5.99
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Wild Wilf


Wilf wants to live in the wild. He takes his bag, and his ted, and leaves. What will living in the wild be like?


Green Band Structure

  • 200-300 words, one story per book with a quiz.
  • Introduces variant spellings of vowel phonemes: i.e. ‘ay’ as in ‘day’ instead of ‘a’.
  • All forms of past tense verbs with -ed are now decodable. Polysyllabic words are used, but all syllables are decodable. All common contractions (don’t, wouldn’t, etc.) are used.
  • Plots are still mostly simple and linear, but may be less closely based on children’s own experience, needing more inference to understand. Stories will now often include opportunities for children to use prediction skills, e.g. to guess what might happen next.
  • Pictures don’t always have to support the text closely, as long as words are reasonably decodable and/or predictable from context.