Chapter Readers / Level 11, 12 & 13

Author | Jenny Moore |
Illustrator | Lilla Miceli |
Format | 15x21cm, 48pg, SB |
Publication Date | 28/02/2021 |
AR Rating | – |
Bic/CBMC Code | YQCR/B3M79 |
ISBN 978-1-84886-804-5 RRP £6.99 |
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The Phantom Film House
Adam loves the tatty old film house where his grandma works. Unfortunately the lack of other customers means it’s going to be knocked down and turned into a car park… During a final film showing of a spooky old black-and-white film, Adam’s popcorn starts flying around and Lin, the manager’s daughter, lets out a scream as something cold and whispery brushes against her ear. Could the cinema be haunted? And if so, could this be a spine-chilling way to bring the old film house back to life?
- 1 Story
- 48 Pages
- Direct speech
- Chapters
Chapter Readers Structure
Lime Band (Level 11)
Total word count approx. 1500-2000
Approx. 60-100 words per page
Brown Band (Level 12)
Total word count approx. 2000-3200
Approx. 80-110 words per page
Grey Band (Level 13)
Total word count approx. 3200-4500