White Band / Level 10

Author Jenny Jinks
Illustrator Michelle Simpson
Format 15x21cm, 32pg, SB
Publication Date 28/05/2023
AR Rating
Bic/CBMC Code YQCR/B3M79
ISBN 978-1-84886-963-9        RRP £6.99
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Happily Ever Arthur


Arthur wishes his life was more like a fairy tale. But when his wish comes true, can he trust everything he’s read before?


Gold Band Structure

  • No specific phonic structure to these books, as children should be able to work out most reasonably common words without difficulty.
  • Vocab choices are appropriate to this young readership and not too complex or demanding
  • More scope for complex inference creeping in – e.g. sometimes the reader may need to read between the lines, or may know something the characters do not, or the author may set up unusual twist or surprise ending.
  • Stories are slightly longer and more complex than before and bring in knowledge from outside the story in order to understand it.
  • As above, though stories are becoming more varied in plot as well as sentence structure, sometimes including some more literary or stylised language where appropriate.