Agent Starling: Operation Baked Beans, written by Jenny Moore, has delighted 7 year old Magnus Mogenson and his mum loves it too;

I found it very interesting and quite funny because one of the funniest bits was when Oliver’s mum gets Oliver some underwear, she is in such a hurry that she gets her own underpants that have the Queen on them and frilly bits on them. It was a tiny bit funny when Oliver got a hole in his tunic and Jules saw the frilly pink underpants he was wearing through the hole. I liked it because of the way they described the Roman soldiers and the difference between the ones in the Roman ages and the ones that Oliver had done in his Topic at school. They were different because Dr Midnight’s army had red tunics and the ones that weren’t Dr Midnight’s army had black tunics.(I think).
Magnus Mogensen (aged 7)
Operation: Baked Beans is a funny, exciting but also educational time-travelling take on Ancient Rome. It would be a good free-reading choice for readers in Year 3 and above who are studying Rome in school, as it helps bring the subject alive and make it relevant. There are enough facts and details in it to appeal to readers who prefer non-fiction, and lots of humour for readers who like Beano-style comedy. It will also appeal to readers who like stories about relationships, as Jules and Oliver develop a touching friendship.
Magnus Mogensen’s Mum ( aged 42)
Thank You!
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Want to read MOORE? Check out Audrey Orr and the Robot Rage – Jenny’s brand new action-packed middle-grade for fans of Agent Starling!
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